A Vivid Dream Turned Reality.

The sweetest Valentines Day gift, I ever imagined.

Anna Woods
2 min readFeb 16, 2022
My Junior (compliments of the author)

So dreams do come true.
This weekend my sweet man and I decided to look at puppies. (If you read my post about the dreams I had of Junior, you will understand the significance)

We had a big “talk” about how we were just going to look and we would come back another time to buy him. I shook my head in full agreement.
Little did I know my boyfriend had other intensions..

We arrived at the puppy shop and there he was.
So quiet, so calm, so sweet. The sweetest, most cutest puppy there. I was instantly drawn to him and couldn’t look at any other puppy.

I held him close and looked at my boyfriend. His response?

“Happy Valentines Day”

He turned and looked at the shop clerk and said, “we’ll take him.”
And that was that.

Now, please, enjoy these pictures of the new member of our family (I can’t get enough of him!

Junior’s most favorite chew toy, even after chewing his puppy bone down to pieces! (from the author)



Anna Woods

Just a sober girlie in her 20's navigating, evolving, and trying to be 1% better every day. Author of The Healing Choice to Forgive